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    TTD Sarva Darshan Tirumala

    TTD Sarva Darshan is the free darshan where in the pilgrims sit tight for their swing to get the take a gander at Master in the compartments of Vaikuntham Queue Complex II shown below picture.

    TTD Sarva Darshan In Tirumala

     Vaikuntam Queue Complex
    More than 1 Lac  pilgrims visit the Sri Venkateswara temple consistently, TTD has started effective frameworks of darshan for huge number of visiting pioneers in Tirumala.
    Sarva darsan signifies ‘darshan for all’. The timings for Sarva darsan are diverse on various long periods of the week. If you don’t mind allude the week after week sanctuary program for the timings.
    The passageway for this darshan is through the Vaikuntam Queue Complex. The complex is a progression of between associated corridors that prompts the primary sanctuary. A proficient line framework guarantees that travelers move in a deliberate manner through the Line Complex, towards the fundamental sanctuary.
    way for sarva darshan
    On ordinary days, around 18 hours are assigned for Sarva darsan and on top days, it is open for 20 hours.
    TTD began another initiavite called Opened TTD Sarva Darshan presently called SSD. Tirumala load up has begun the present schedule opening booking counters for nothing darshan at different areas in Tirumala, Tirupati and other open spots.
    Tirumala TTD Slotted Sarva Darshan Tickets Booking through TTD Sarva darshan token Counters List And Locations also check here  –  TTD Sarva Darshan Ticket Counter list 

    Detailing Spot

    • Reporting area is Vaikuntam Q-Complex – 2 (VQC2).

    Sarva Darshan Timings

    • The Timings for contrasts from everyday and relies upon the surge on that day.

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